Table of Contents

Saffron 101: What Is This Expensive Stuff Anyway?

Okay, lets be honest here, before all this, saffron to me, was something my grandma mentioned whenever she got the fancy china out. Or something in one those ancient stories about Kings. Turns out though, that it’s not actually king hair or ancient unicorn toenails, or something equally rediculous like that but its is realy something cool- * its derived from the Crocus sativus flower! * and is basiccaly those teeny weeny lil’ thread like pistles, all deep red. I had this grand image of someone picking entire fields of this bright color. but you cant just find them randomly…
and wow- is it a time consumer. imagine handpicking those tiny things from every single flwoer like it a marathon event for midgets! Makes that insane price tag seem slightly more logical I guess? and there just so many of them. So basically, its crazy labour intense stuff – so dont buy cheap Saffron or expect any decent outcome

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But really like seriously lets talk pricces. this stuf if basically plant-based gold. A little, and I mean a little, is going to cost more then what im paying for a whole month at spotify!. I once told my pal, who dosnt eat the saffron to call it “orange magic”… but not magical enoug to give us free Spotify- but if we mix them to cook – i might end up getting good Spotify recommendations based on food? we’ll see… I guess.. and not just because its picked and hard to get and that it’s delicate, there some other factors too: for once, that there needs lots of blooms just for a little saffron. It’s almost an unfair balance – many flowers, barely no spices. Talk about high maintenance divas

My Personal Saffron Journey: A Comedy of Errors (and Delicious Results)

Okay, story time! The first time i ever played with saffron, it looked kinda old and brownish but was called “high-quality saffron”- and was also on sale which was amazing! . The box i had it all seemed a bit dry – my impression was “hmm maybe should throw out this stinky weirdo, because i mean how fresh this is”?
I think my thinking wasn’t bad and honestly? I almost ruined an entire pot of paella…it turned all muddy instead of that lovely, sunny yellow that’s advertised everywhere. I didn’t realize it needed to be bloomed – which if you don’t know like me you learn hard – it need to be submerged into a liquid like some mini spa for the saffron. my logic at the time, however went like: well we need flavor, let’s put all in- haha! not good and super bitter flavor ended my plans for some great evening!. The funny part is when my friend (the paella was a dinner-night plan), he looks at my muddy plate and he was kinda stunned… he did eat 2 forkfulls but his eyes were sad and he didnt really even coment, bless his heart. That’s the day I learned patience… with food, saffron and mostly… myself… so lesson number 1 and most importent * bloom first !*. This is when i decided i need to actully know and underestand my spices- if not what was a kitchen if it has just bad experiments? and here we go! this whole deep dive i ended with.

Picking the Right Saffron: Is it Gold or Just Yellow Fuzz?

Now, before you run to the shops for saffron you should hear something really basic about the stuff; All that looks the same isnt actually the same- so, you should treat your Saffron with great suspicion and ask lots and lots of question, that what ive learned by now ( and thanks youtube i also have many other resources as my back-up team). You know how some clothing can just look cheap even though you thought “wow is actually perfect” when ordering it ? yeah.. that’s how you should view your spice shopping from here on. The difference of cheap to high end can look quite slim (even i have the impression from now that you could sell a bad spice as perfect one and not just clothes!).
The real, good quality saffron has the very bright almost neon redish color- while lower-grade version are mostly yellowish and kind off… lifeless? it will make sense now i mention that saffron it’s supposed to be almost red… i now, I mentioned earlier little red guys –but now is more about serious stuff ok? . Then is aroma factor; Your nose is actually amazing tool to determine that, really- the high-quality version of Saffron have very powerful (but good!) aromatic fragrance, kind of like hay or flower , and slightly sweetness smell if i’m not mistaken , the not-so-good versions usually smell kinda weak, if at all so make a proper sniff and think twice! You got this
Then, there’s the whole “saffron grades” mess thing: apparently its more confusing that taxes… or dating, whatever you prefer for your confusing things. They have many, but are basically categories based on the coloring strength (like how well can that color it’s dish?) . There are things like Sargol, and Pushal ( which has those yelowish “tips”) but the most wanted version and for a very good reason it is “Negin”,which looks totally crimson red and all those tips (that the yellowish) is nowhere near there! . it’s not “Nagin” ok , even that makes better name and if was a rapper- my nickanme would for sure been this.
I learned that’s that best not to just choose because of marketing labels like: top of line quality, Premium, Super duper Grade and so on.. you should really trust the eyes, smells, do some research , ask if you must. This really a investment you doing for flavor and nothing good will come of spending cash on a bad spice. And, pro tip? try to pick whole strands – powders, even when cheap will only get your taste buds frustrated and a empty bank account (as i mentioned with Spotify). This could easily have a chapter on its own

Unleashing the Saffron Power: How to Use it Like a Pro (or at Least Try To)

Right, let’s talk technique, not some super advanced stuff ok , more basic steps of “how to actually not make you spice as my earlier failure” – the golden rules of dealing with saffron. You dont throw in those lovely threads directly in the cooking stuff. Oh no, that’s so wrong. Your saffron want to swim! . Remember? Blooming is Key to everything!, all you do is grab the thread like 2 or three at first then place it a small glass- mug (small), with something like couple of spoons of hot (not boil or lava) water , give them at least 15 minutes swim session , sometimes the threads looks more of “dusty/not good quality so just do for extra 5 more”. You’ll notice a yellowish-orangeish hue –that’s a sign your saffron doing its magic – the water became infused, thats how we actually getting all the good flavor! . It’s kind of funny when think about it because my tea does not produce this nice colour.. now it’s really easy to put on that mix where you cook – it kinda like flavoring a stock, but saffron way!. I remember after 3 trial attempts, i finaly mastered this blooming, that i just looked into it for some full minutes . Amazing! So this “infuse water technique”, makes even cheap spices somehow come up stronger and it does get the flavors wayy better in our dishes – it just a way better flavor experience! You know like turning your speaker’s sound all up and hearing stuff in ways you never though before!

Then again… don’t overdue the soaking and go for 30minutes in case it will produce like “stale flower’s perfume effect”, trust me it happened, was an horrible taste – or the time of using so so hot that end to cooked your thread! Just follow simple rules, its fine really. And you might end up finding some secret sauce tips too as we progress! (or just in youtube for the pro cheffs tips, they always find a way to make things so fun). This whole process not so fast, it requires a little patience, but trust me, it’s worth every minute (and every cent if i am honest, those golden bits can buy lunch for whole week!)

Saffron in the Kitchen: Beyond the Basics

Once you’ve become pro in Blooming department – the possibilities in our Kitchen are as boundless as my love for late-night snacks, this time flavored. Saffron does makes miracles in rice dishes… risotto or biryani is going to taste amazing now, but my personal fav is saffron paella, of course ( and its NOT gonna be a muddy looking soup – anymore. ). Just one suggestion tho- go slowly, a bit more like baby step, do add to your spice routine one at the time and not over doing stuff with Saffron! A tiny hint can just level all- and is so easilly you are never goint back to eating bland things ever! My favourite to spice is the creamy soups; this amazing floral flavors is exactly what you were missing on your usual cream recipes – is kind of unexpected that saffron mixes really well with some “cheese cream” or mushroom type flavors (or i think this way), . but now when i just mentioned this “ creamy type foods” oh boy- dont even get me started on my desserts ideas… like: a little in custards! panna cotta!. Saffron flavored cookies are totally yummy and not so expensive when use them carefully, i might give my grandma my recepe as i now also using them properly , imagine that!

My best trick tho: put it on marinades!. Yes you read it right.. a few saffron infused liquid will make a normal steak into something extraordinary, some lamb or a grilled salmon- these kind of protein just absorb that awesome aromatic touch, a flavour explosion that never ends. You just marinate as usual – just put on little more flavouring into that marinade, easy isnt it ?
But also this saffron is a versatile, almost magical, ingredient – you dont use this kind spice in an everyday occasion like scrambled egg- even tough if this taste great, trust me. Save it for dishes where this awesome flavor profile is not going to overshine all the things.. a normal soup – would do more benefit when your’e a bit sick or tired rather than saffron rice… and also just to mention – go slowly, there nothing wrong to explore your options (my fail experience helped here i think),
Saffron: Benefits? Are we really talking about it’s medical capabilities?

Alright, alright, let’s tackle the health talk- or do we really need to. Everyone and its cat it’s now suddenly expert in medicine, because “they heard about it in social media ” – me, i did some digging for some actual source as we know is no trust the whole of the interwebs, right ? and let me tell ya – apparently some claim the red magic stuff are real. They mention how Saffron contains thing like “antioxidants” stuff. And antioxidants is a big win (im told ) . People are claiming, it could enhance their mood? help them with that gloomy feeling when the sky looks like the inside of some giant smoke ball, help them even sleep better!? I’m not saying that your average cup of coffee can help with mood swings (because is always work for me- dont tell others)- i also not saying they actually all true.. that was i mean? but apparently saffron can improve your eye sight?. Its too much good for something coming from flower bits , if is true!. I don’t want to say: “go grab Saffron in the next pharmacy, and that should treat you” I don’t believe in such things that work as magic medicine, or magic bullet and should be taken very carefully! , also is this thing also going to solve the problems with tax declarations, cause honestly this feels much important ( to me atleast). We got plenty of fruits, vegetables ( stuff we might never really think to use, let’s be real here- my broccoli in fridge is screaming to be free in our bellies!), you are just going to become what you are eating. If you go wild in canned pizza you becoming some version a cardboard, that the science ok?! We should seek to eat the healthiest options (most of the times atleast ok ?). and as everything it should always in good balance- like your Saffron usage in kitchen, should always in small doses too – do use properly your spice ,dont see it like that medicine and do also your yearly check ups and dont ask for internet sources diagnosis , pls!. It seems like too good to be truth tho… like saffron as magical unicorn healing potion. Not quite sure tbh, my body has still same amounts of scars, but food with Saffron just simply tastes better now.

Saffron Side Hustle? Not sure if this gonna work out

Look ok, ive already shared way too much thoughts- its just time i share my plan “to go all-in Saffron”!. Well, here’s the deal, my friends… if there people using their homes to cultivate all kinds herbs or green veggies ( I personally know a person with “backyard bananas”, how crazy that is!?).. can someone actually have this golden-red thingy as my backyard “Cash Plant”? because honestly i’ve done a calculation of cost vs quantity ratio and i believe this is gonna a serious project of getting super rich if all the information’s correct here… ok this a big if, as this whole operation relies on not just getting plants for sale , but also having a business structure , like sales team (for starters at least i might need an internet friend with coding or something – someone should tell to that Banana Boy) .. I feel a whole research coming up, but my thought, my wild fantasy is basically: i’m getting rich using the “Negin Saffron Version”. How awesome this is right!? , I might just write down to self one motivational speech here just in case things doesnt turn exactly right (i did many bad calculation so i dont take much serious on numbers- or my ideas – for real tho). but hey- big dreams, high risks… you got this buddy

Conclusion: Saffron… Worth the Hype? Or am i just obsessed?

So, all this saffron chat leads us to one huge question mark: Is it genuinely worth it? The answer my dear is a complicated “sort of”, leaning towards a very very loud yes. Yes is the better outcome by far… because why not? yes you have some learning curve as every experience is going to end differently when you’re learning ( as shown by my messy attempt) . Yes this isn’t a spice you just use casually everyday but should have on those times that deserve to have this type of unique touch and its absolutely stunning . This stuff it just an explosion of aromatic, sweet floral sensations that turns a basic dish into some exotic meal!. The colour payoff also cant be match , nothing is like that sunnny bright yellow hue is gonna add (or even more orange if done well! ). Is like taking your usual stuff from drab gray into some color explosion you are feeling all kinds of new things inside ! , plus that fancy feeling I felt (that I described way before) is true : eating with a hint of saffron just feels posh as frick, okay!. But honestly now , that im just now looking in my last text… maybe.. maybe i’m too obsessed ??. Am I the only person just obsessed with one flavour? I will probably add one post-it to check next month all this thinking here because maybe it’s too much? I might ask for a help or something with this addiction i don’t know for sure. I need to start slow when is this all related to spices… you just got be sure!

In the end , try experimenting , if this whole post make you want to add this on you life, try at least one version ( just do proper bloom ok?), maybe if you will start to feel the same crazy enthusiasm I did , maybe one day ill just reach and write the chapter about “My backyard gold Saffron” story here. So.. i wanna hear! , any thoughs on this? or maybe, are you as crazy and into saffron stuff like me?. Ok enough chat for now, gotta plan my “side Hustle meeting”. Cheers to the magic golden-redness that i did find inside this journey !