Table of Contents

  1. Saffron’s Allure: More Than Just a Spice
  2. The Science of Saffron and Weight Loss
  3. My Personal Saffron Experiment
  4. Integrating Saffron Into Your Life – and Does it Worth the Hype
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Saffron’s Allure: More Than Just a Spice

Saffron, that vibrant thread plucked from the Crocus sativus flower, is, let’s face it, pretty mysterious. For centuries, it has played the roles of royalty, culinary artist and ancient healer, woven into tapestries of culture and medicine. You find it staining paellas, enriching Persian stews, adding a certain “je ne sais quoi” to your food and as we are discovering- it has the ability to stain everything yellow as if some painter threw a bucket of paint inside the kitchen and somehow – you where guilty of being responsible of that act. The price point of saffron – the “red gold” – reflects the sheer effort required to harvest the stamens by hand – a true agricultural and time consuming art that takes almost super human amount of focus to achieve. No machines can help, only a meticulous, ancient art.

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And while we’re busy marveling at its vibrant hue and complex, slightly metallic flavor, we can’t forget what makes it truly special: its active compounds like crocin and safranal, both potent antioxidants with proposed benefits on human health. While most of our time will be on weight loss, we will not skip it completely because they provide something more. I like to say – the cherry on top, since if that will help your mind – everything in our body can fall to it’s rightful place without constant worrying. These potent ingredients give the spice much more potential, moving from “just a kitchen spice” to some sort of ancient marvel that could affect our whole body in some form. Not every day you encounter such potent element. We don’t expect a sprinkle of turmeric to make miracles, nor it can affect so many processes in the human body, at least – to this magnitude.
Of course, scientists all over the world want to know if the old traditional medicinal wisdom does hold merit – beyond all myths and history. Is that possible that the ingredient your granny used to make a fancy cake for you will turn out to help so much, or will that be yet another ancient tradition, gone for good.
But with its history in mind – there’s a definite buzz in the scientific community. Now – lets be more focused on it’s proposed weight loss possibilities.

2. The Science of Saffron and Weight Loss

Here is when things start getting a bit “lab coat-ish” – which usually ends with confusing graphs that make your mind want to disconnect. Thankfully – you have me here, who would try to take all complicated things in simple terms.

The intriguing link between saffron and weight management boils down to how it potentially impacts appetite and mood – the two “giants” that controls many actions when talking about food and well-being. I believe these to two factors can explain 90% of weight gain issues or failure when aiming for healthier life. If that makes any sense – feel free to leave some comment and explain to my naive point of view the complex world of metabolism and weight issues, so that’s being said. Lets dive deep.

a. Appetite Regulation

Several studies have shown that saffron might help tamp down that ravenous feeling of uncontrollable eating. Now, that might feel very cliche but this feeling is the single factor that pushes us down – like Sisyphus when he has the boulder going down the hill again and again. This is not about will-power- it’s about controlling a force inside you. How can this effect occur – one proposed theory circles around saffron’s effect on serotonin – that happy, feel-good chemical that also has a very important role in our bodies, in simple words, and is connected to the ability of knowing that we had enough of food (this mechanism is very complicated and involves many other substances inside of our system, but I will keep it simple as we always tend to do). By upping the level of serotonin – a signal inside of our mind that we reached satiety will come faster than usual. Another very strong impact can happen because the lack of Serotonin leads to depression which is a trigger for eating – an emotional eating problem as they like to call it in the internet (to that – another long interesting road for self discovery, for another time).

The results aren’t uniform across studies which might raise concerns, but in certain scenarios, researchers have observed that the individuals participating in such clinical trials consumed fewer calories between their main meals, making some serious change in the weight management department, without going extreme or feeling that they suffer by being “in control”. Imagine being in control but having more ease doing this- sounds almost unbelievable.

This might lead to what everyone dreams off- fewer calories taken, means less food in general, resulting to, as you guessed – weight loss! Seems a lot simpler on paper, right? In real life though, with emotions in the mix, nothing comes without hard self analysis – so the effects will not always come out at the same measure to everyone. Keep that in mind.

b. Mood Management

Stress, we know very well is an unwanted companion in weight-related problems. Emotional eating and all the nasty cravings it brings are no joke – for all who been there can confirm that to no one – especially if these emotional feelings will rise to some other, more serious and depressive behavior which usually affects mental health. Again – Serotonin, in some sort of divine providence shows up – which in that role has an ability to effect all those emotions in a positive manner, by creating that balanced-happy state that all of us constantly chasing.

As I was going to this research and writing about saffron – it reminded me of how all ingredients we consume act on many aspects of the human body – almost like each of them has some secret code we didn’t quite understood yet, acting at more levels than expected from them. There was an old joke I have heard which can sum all the process in this stage of this article “all the chemicals are interconnected like one giant symphony that all are affecting the single most important music which will help create human life” – something along that line. It’s beautiful really. It makes me wonder, the role food plays not just for nutritional requirements. Maybe this whole chase about perfect life and “finding ourselfs” has always been right under our noses in form of ancient and very “humble” form of cooking, right there. Who knows?

So, saffron, may give you another ally in the battle against those unwanted cravings (another term people use to define stress), making the dieting process way easier and making sure you keep in line by not running away when difficult moment in the day appears (we are just human after all, emotions will always be a variable here, so having some ally to make the hard part softer should be embraced). But wait there is more…

c. Other Proposed Benefits

Aside of all the above that was mentioned, there has been emerging scientific investigations (small clinical trials) that suggest saffron’s effects may extend beyond just mood and satiety. Now this is a small glimpse for more investigation- if you feel interested in this subject please consider reading peer reviews of such investigations as that is way more credible source, or consulting medical professional that might shed more light of that in your particular case. Some investigations propose improvement of insulin sensitivity – crucial for people fighting with Type 2 Diabetes as we all know – but these are very early findings and require lot more effort for the findings to be confirmed. Also, few people (in small samples in very controlled research circumstances) showed reduced inflammation after consumption which seems fascinating if confirmed in wider scope.

Keep that in mind before falling to the all-encompassing conclusion which could prove incorrect. The weight loss effect, I must admit as someone that is trying this personally- are subtle, and will vary in results from one person to another, based of their condition of well-being or how their particular body functions, with all of it’s uniqueness.

I tend to believe, based of all information that all parts in a mechanism is essential and a more complex holistic approach should be investigated before drawing conclusion that saffron will be “the holy grail for everyone” and fix their problems. For me this is an element, not an end-result in its own merit, which means you must work on all those things all of your life.
But with that out of the way – lets talk about what was done personally!

3. My Personal Saffron Experiment

Okay, so science, you have been listened, but we must go to the streets to see for the ourselves! (which is very much part of how journalists tend to write!).

I approached this “saffron diet” thing not as someone trying some kind of new super power diet (if someone tells you there is some kind of quick fix magic bullet thing- run far from such place) but more as a skeptical researcher wearing pajama pants and making her way into her very chaotic kitchen. The most difficult part was the cooking which was my own choice – not for lack of skill or talent, but time is very scarce these days, and you need to do many actions at once, always, so cooking tends to move as least preferred place in this equation.

For this project- and I say “project” since you really need some kind of mindset of that as you want to approach all actions in life- and by that I mean everything, even eating. There needs some structure for something to properly change (that includes all areas not only your body) but back to my adventure in cooking. I included saffron into almost every dish for the period of two weeks as well, as I also made saffron infused tea to which i was not fan of – I prefer real food to infusions in most of times. As an important fact in this, it was very convenient because I love that complex-earthy tone it gives the food, and how its orange color tends to elevate food even by its pure aesthetic appearance – even if I will never see such creations myself as I eat in dark mostly because the lighting is too bright for my eyes, but this is beside the subject of course.

Now – were the pounds just “melting off”? No. Not in that magical “Hollywood” kinda movie.

The scale’s needle did make a little less dramatic drop as time passed and that may vary and might happen due to my diet which was less unhealthy for this period due to more mindful intake when eating. In this particular test the greatest change that occurred wasn’t the weight scale but my mindset which i assume it was affected by saffron’s potential influence on mood regulation.

I felt less of the “late night raids” when we usually search food during stress moments (we all been there I’m sure), a few less urges that usually send me to go hunt for sugar goodies. And if anyone knows me well enough- I consider myself as a veteran for sweet tooth battles, a true warrior I can say. Also there were many factors – I didn’t suffer because I still ate plenty, only what changed that “crazy food runs” and i did not feel like a slave on a mission. If this is all because saffron is that little spice can influence it so well- I think i become a true believer, or perhaps – another personal preference bias – as we all have many!

Let’s sum it in very honest, unbiased manner. This wasn’t a miraculous transformation into super skinny figure – just a subtle “upgrade”, not anything dramatic that everyone can see on me. I believe these subtle shifts make all the difference. I did feel more in peace during that trial (which can be attributed to various reasons – all subjective obviously) – as for most – the mental state always effects how we look or how we feel with our own bodies. When you feel more stable you become less emotionally hungry which affects choices of foods you make daily, without pushing too hard on it, everything comes so naturally and with more flow to things.

Now – you do it, with all that, that in mind, make some test yourself and check the real deal.

4. Integrating Saffron Into Your Life – and Does it Worth the Hype?

Okay, now for a reality check – no matter what article states in big statements that make some bold declarations, there must come a point of conclusion and this one in no different. So this whole “weight loss” thing. How to use Saffron on day to day? and if the real impact worth its price, let’s investigate.

5. Final Thoughts

So, does saffron truly help with weight loss? The short and very simple answer? Well… maybe, just maybe… it can give a good “push”, more like assist to those struggling, making changes less demanding. If it affects your appetite control – by that making emotional stress less impactful, as it did on my situation – consider all pros you will acquire. Don’t see as an absolute tool as weight problems should not be attacked from “one magic tool point” – try with an approach that combines mindful life style ( that should not make you stressed but the opposite- enjoying your routines as part of that). I believe for this you must feel good while striving for the healthier self and any tool that makes it easier- embrace it if the feeling resonate! But don’t make decisions under desperation – make your plan, work hard and learn daily, like this long long journal was written here just for your consumption- keep seeking all ways to make better habits that feel like “natural expansion”. I did learn way much than what I expect while writing all this text, and in many more fields, to which this journey was much more then the subject that we targeted to! That makes things more complete- for better understanding and approach for further changes- the knowledge.

As we circle back the beginning of all this quest. The question “will it really help with weight loss?” that had been buzzing in the start of it now slowly shifted to something that involves much more than the problem we are targeted here – that always happens to every deep study (you discover other stuff besides what was researched- a nice perk when diving so deep!). So, to leave some final thoughts – I can honestly say – it wasn’t some kind of game-changer with explosive result that can not be overlooked. However I do believe it is important that all these small elements must be understood individually as much of how whole mechanism in human body can interact – to allow that natural “state” of things. This natural rhythm when you feel calm while going for what you seek for! If all that- then we have a “true game changer”. Isn’t it beautiful when life flows that way? I feel it does… and saffron has that beautiful and very mystical influence and helped me be less of skeptical person – and this single realization makes me very excited and gives more appreciation.

Would I continue to sprinkle those fiery red threads into my life? Absolutely – if the price point and the benefits outweigh. The whole idea in this text, the way of thinking that was approached when creating this for my blog has so many layers- to help understand every topic can and will influence your choices if studied well – without those hyped ideas and quick solutions that are very dangerous, especially if used without professional support and a lot of attention given! In my own biased and personal experience, that may benefit all others, is important to realize the tools that make life more enjoyable must be approached mindfully with balance in all areas as each step will define our true being, even by simply putting that amazing ingredient from mother nature into our meals, but most importantly – our heart!

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