Table of Contents

  1. My Personal “Great Escape” with Morning Sickness
  2. The Wobbly World of Motion Sickness
  3. Saffron: The “Red Gold” Under the Microscope
  4. What the Experts are Saying About Saffron and Nausea
  5. The Active Compounds: Why Does Saffron Affect our Bodies?
  6. How I Used Saffron for my morning woes: A DIY experiment
  7. Motion Sickness: Can Saffron Really Be the Answer ?
  8. Real-life Stories: Others Who’ve Tried Saffron for Nausea
  9. Saffron Dosage for Nausea: Finding Your Balance
  10. Precautions, Safety Concerns & Saffron Interactions
  11. Where To Buy Quality Saffron For Optimal Results
  12. My Personal Takeaway & Concluding thoughts

1. My Personal “Great Escape” with Morning Sickness

Morning sickness. The name is almost poetic, isn’t it? A gentle nudge from nature. Of course, reality hits more like a sledgehammer, at least for some of us, my wife included. The first few weeks of her pregnancy were…memorable. Not in a “charming, glowing” sort of way, but rather, in a “oh lord, what has life turned into” way. We found ourselves in a perpetual battle with queasiness. It was a bizarre ballet of ginger ale, saltines, and countless late-night desperate internet searches while I held her hair over the bathroom toilet bowl.
I wouldn’t say she felt she could enjoy pregnancy at its first weeks, which she’d been looking for quite a while. You can almost feel those moments of expectation are getting destroyed slowly bit by bit.
We read everything. The usual: ginger, bland foods, the occasional wristband which felt more of a nuisance then help. My Wife has a particular distaste for pills, and was unwilling to even try “all-natural” option which “always contains some chemical component” in her point of view. As the search intensified and exhaustion consumed us ( well, more her than me, obviously) a small whisper on some herbal remedies forums suggested saffron might do the trick.

Now, I’ve always been a little skeptical of miracle cures, especially ones that cost as much as Saffron, which some calls “the red gold”, and was convinced that even those strands were only about color and taste . But desperation makes a great fertilizer for hope. So we decided, might as well give a pinch to help with these “queasy-mornings,” at the end there was a chance. I started investigating, researching, and looking for more info about the actual effect on our human body when it comes to nausea and queasy sensations. And I’m ready to say It actually surprised me

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2. The Wobbly World of Motion Sickness

If morning sickness is a surprise attack from within, motion sickness feels like being thrown onto a rollercoaster you never intended to ride. Some people seem to coast through travel effortlessly, while others (I see you, fellow sufferers!) are plagued by dizziness, cold sweats, and a near-constant battle against nausea.

Growing up, car rides were less about sightseeing and more about strategic breathing exercises to keep my stomach in check. Boats? Forget it. Airplanes? Let’s just say I always know exactly where the barf bags are, by now I probably can get it blindfolded. Later, this become a fun joke with friends to me but believe me, being 34 and looking around where the plastic-bag-storage is in your seat isn’t all that fun at times. I’ve tried it all: pressure-point bands, the aforementioned bland foods, and I have become one of the finest experts of all over the counter “solutions”, sometimes a combination that had only my own imagination for limitations. Yet the struggle to navigate without being sick remained as persistent as it is frustrating. So as someone with so much experience, I had also to see for myself what saffron had to offer for this situation of dizziness. And honestly after the little experiment we’ve done at home with the “morning woes” I thought, its also might be possible there’s “something in the way it works”.

3. Saffron: The “Red Gold” Under the Microscope

Before diving into whether saffron is a miracle cure for nausea or not, let’s just clarify something .I think it’s vital to know the source we’re looking into and what are its actual components that made all those rumors so loud in different areas.

Saffron, derived from the Crocus sativus flower, is more than just a fancy spice; we all agree on this point right?. Harvesting the saffron stigmas—the tiny, thread-like parts of the flower that give it the deep crimson color—is very much demanding which results in its well known premium cost. Its worth mention that some calls it the world’s most expensive spice .
For centuries, saffron has held a place in both culinary traditions and in medicine practices . It has been mentioned as medicine for insomnia, a remedy for improving memory and many many other remedies. Its value goes far beyond the ability to turn a rice into golden or to have the best of its flavor as a touch to the soup of yours, it has long been revered, used in countless culture’s herbalism.
So I know my knowledge regarding the “saffron wonders” was definitely narrow till my recent exploration and the deeper look made me understand better its rich chemistry with those colorful little strands. The vibrant color is indeed captivating , but I wanted to explore the scientific reasoning if there is some logic there when you looking for a remedy. The search was for actual explanation . After few more in depth investigations, this where some questions became clear, making it seem not so crazy after all…

4. What the Experts Are Saying About Saffron and Nausea

The research landscape regarding saffron and nausea, while not yet vast, shows some promising glimpses. Studies, albeit mostly conducted in the context of mental health (specifically depression and anxiety where the correlation is relatively established, it shows that saffron contains active compounds that might very well play an effect in relieving nausea .
One specific research caught my attention was its reported ability to modulate the body’s neuro-transmitters related to emotions like serotonin and dopamine levels , known as neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation, as it seem like saffron may indeed calm down nerve sensitivities , and reducing “stressors” effects . Its a hypothesis I am exploring on myself, in simple “man to body interaction” level .
One meta analysis ( meaning, researchers analyzed the accumulated data of previously held smaller research to extract common point) shows its actual potential when saffron can interact with some hormones , making it effective in improving sleep quality, easing some pains , reducing stress, enhancing cognition ability and improving appetite. One may feel the connections there, all factors that tend to become very troublesome during situations like “morning queasiness” or “Motion sensitivity”.

It’s critical to remember that much of the current scientific research is preliminary and focuses on a narrow set of results , mainly about mental wellness as discussed, However the connections are getting quite intriguing to say at the very least, particularly as it can give the human a sensation of stability both physically and mentally at same time. It all seems logical now when I recall the different use cases in traditional medicinal practice across diverse traditions for quite some time. There is clearly more that meets the eye in this “red gold” we’re speaking of, even more so when it’s actually “used well and correctly” which also becomes the challenge for me at the end .

5. The Active Compounds: Why Does Saffron Affect our Bodies?

To truly understand saffron’s potential impact on nausea, one must go past those stigmas-color level , all the way down to their chemical level.
The main culprits are crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal.
Crocin is responsible for that vibrant, distinctive red-orange hue that we all notice , its what make Saffron to standout when combined to almost anything we cook. Additionally it can exhibit antioxidant properties that fight free radicals in the body.
Picrocrocin gives saffron it distinctive taste that are perceived by most as the most bitter “pleasant” touch, while safranal provides its rich scent that often is describes as sweet-like aroma and flavor to saffron , which can make this little experience in the mouth a pleasant one despite the touch of “bitterish”. When ingested and reaching digestive systems and stomach, it seems they tend to contribute some calming effects on the nervous system. They are reported also to promote secretion of certain brain chemicals like the very important Serotonin and Dopamine . Those substances not only influence emotional levels of stress, also affect intestinal motility (which directly correlates to nausea and its sensation.)

Moreover, there are small concentration of vitamins (like B2, riboflavin and also vitamin C ), minerals( calcium, copper, Iron, mangeness, selenium, zinc..) along with other minor compounds that together might act as an effective force . One can only conclude they interact on very basic “biochemical” processes, as in “how we function”, making it interesting in theory at least, whether the claim of reduced queasiness, nausea and general dizziness as effect is justified or its only a wishful thought of mine.

6. How I Used Saffron for my morning woes: A DIY experiment

Let’s get to what we all looking for: “How can saffron really be incorporated into this specific “experiment””. Given our situation and specific request, my first attempts to experiment where for my wife “Morning queasiness”. I’m not the greatest “cook-oriented guy”. Honestly its an area where i’m very much lacking, especially when it comes to creative use of herbal medicines into tasty culinary experience , but given our circumstances and being limited with all type of options i had to “pull myself” up and actually get moving. It required to make few extra- researches on the ways Saffron can be integrated and after some testing , a specific formula was crafted just for us .

We started cautiously, as we usually do, because one always worries about allergies and sensitivity of new food / herbal stuff . Every evening, i steeped three to five threads of saffron in hot (not boiling!) water for about 15 minutes . Then, just before her bedtime, my wife would slowly sip the “Golden Elixir”, that has a yellowish to orange hue depending on the threads proportions we used . The tea actually didn’t have a dominant taste, almost a gentle subtle-floral one , while having almost no noticeable after taste that might disturb or influence food tasting, not to mention its non-dominating aroma, quite a good starter overall , if I am being objective here .

For me, what I did and that actually made me a believer (even in those small “home trials”), that it wasn’t about taste or smell, but more about calming effects, making nausea or at least the discomfort of those morning queasy feelings very much minimized.
We kept tracking, both mentally, noting her feelings along the day after drinking, in some cases there was visible and very obvious improvement from what we considered a “normal start of her day” at early stages. Of course this has it obvious limit ,and if not taken early in day with that “tea- like” format, probably will not be as efficient as its expected to be.

This first test made us both eager to explore deeper how to implement its use, while also not letting all the results pass only by an easy conclusion based only in a “single trial” that might or might not been random by the end. We kept observing how this all evolves , and continued on improving for some weeks. Now , I truly believe the “tiny threads are here to make some good effect”, and this experiment has given me an appetite for further exploration to other applications. Which lead me to wonder about it other uses.. like , lets say , motion sensitivity which was next on my list to experiment..

7. Motion Sickness: Can Saffron Really Be the Answer ?

Here’s where things get particularly personal. My battle with motion sickness isn’t merely a minor inconvenience. For some its more than uncomfortable or “just dizzy sensations”; we simply cannot fully function as expected. Traveling is very often an agony, to be truthful. The joy of sightseeing turns to struggle.
This was my actual incentive to use saffron at first , at early tests we tried when dealing with “early morning problems”. But when considering saffron’s supposed anti-nausea properties, I became determined to run my own very small little experiment and see it by myself on another side of “daily discomfort situations” in my life , in “motion side of this story” that kept showing very high chances for problems .

For me , the experimentation became simple. At least on how we set-it at the beginning: the “Golden Elixir” routine which proved so effective, this same tea was applied on times I had an intensive “motion based” routine which made those days difficult for functioning : first the daily car rides with those start-and stop patterns along highways (I often wonder why they still build highways for humans to actually feel unwell…) , on short flight experiences for “professional reason”. And of course for this experiment, to “push-the-bar” at it extreme points: we tried with sea / boat travels as it was historically our personal worst experience to date.

And well, lets not go to much into small details here (I dont like details anyway…), just say those “motion” sessions were more about me battling internal nausea. Saffron wasn’t a miracle cure to instantly banish motion sickness; I didn’t actually become the fearless sea explorer as in cartoons, right? It might have not eliminate all my discomfort, but It was actually more of reducing the effect and how hard that uncomfortable sensations tends to kick me every time I experience similar cases. And well it is actually quite an important point here for me : reducing the “power” of sensations. Because it was the first time since my childhood , it seem, i found something natural that seems like it does actual magic with calming those ” internal feelings” , in short, for the very first time it was an important change: reducing rather then eliminating the feeling.
. Saffron did reduce that overwhelming sense of panic when starting to experience “uneasiness feelings”.
I became a much “cooler-headed person” for that short experiment, especially for something that tend to ruin all my enjoyment in day activities since my early childhood days. I didn’t have “barf bag attacks” that I’ve become so accustomed to through all those long trips, that alone is a big “improvement” for my point of view, giving some validation to those past rumors i kept hearing about saffron . The experience for those daily travels and short trip’s seemed surprisingly comfortable now with very little sign of issues, specially that “light headed” uncomfortable feeling I tended to have even after those routine “car -rides”.

8. Real-Life Stories: Others Who’ve Tried Saffron for Nausea

Of course, my experiences are just my own. Personal narratives give a direction for someone, to begin with when thinking if that can work out. But the web (internet that is…) is vast and wide.
After digging into few online community forum groups about natural and holistic remedies and medicines, a lot of small communities dedicated specifically for motion and nausea-related problems have a common denominator which surprisingly wasn’t all ginger and salty things! . A common experience they reported was that saffron tea was an important “component for the healing strategy”. A very large section even spoke for those little tea mixtures as an option of choice during travel. Others wrote the positive improvements and experiences using small amount of saffron when pregnancy problems began , often with quite impressive and “inspiring” comments that they wished this small “kitchen cure” be an “accepted fact”, and “should be common in every pregnancy book and classes”. These aren’t clinical trials with sterile control parameters, and also with a “risk of randomness of result’s effects”, still they provided more data and confirmed there are multiple anecdotal cases where similar reactions happens on real people , providing with more weight for some of those small experimental “home trial’s ” results. It seem that many individuals reported noticeable shifts from this specific intervention: from reduced sickness sensation all the way to improving digestive and stomach behavior, with positive comments, sometimes, with passionate exclamation when they seem their lives had improved dramatically because of using this method on daily basis or while in situations they need the calming effect the most.

Some also highlighted the improved ability to sleep on a stressful day or stressful situations which can contribute indirectly to nausea effects on specific scenarios , showing that indirect benefits of improved “emotional-calming” behavior does work on many levels. As I dug further the general understanding was its more then some miracle , seems to help in ways beyond a quick instant-solution kind of “fix” most remedies usually offer when it comes to similar situations.
All those personal notes on forum sections online gave an “extra validity” to explore deeper and consider further saffron benefits in our lives ( beyond cooking). While it is important to recognize it isn’t any substitution to any qualified physician, it seems, those old kitchen and traditional practices of our mothers have more “sense and logic” then many tends to believe or at the very least give some more light to new types of research to validate its claim’s and also test and experiment on others in the same situation . It does open some very valid and intriguing question.. isn’t it ?

9. Saffron Dosage for Nausea: Finding Your Balance

Ah, here’s the “it is never black and white part”: The “perfect dose,” my friends , It’s never a simple solution right ?. As I explored different approaches i’ve realized its also important to set “expectations properly “. From all my reading and experimental approaches at home I learned that the recommended amount of saffron generally tend to vary (specially depending of method used ), which often also based in “historical experience”. However there is some sort of common acceptance about average use that works well with people’s general routines: using just a few threads (anywhere from three to fifteen) per cup of hot water. The “three to five per tea cup” rule seem like its the starting point that all experts agree for. The steep time tend to be roughly about 15 -20 min in very hot, almost- boiling- but never boiling ( as its damage those properties) temperature is almost crucial. Some say this infusion process allows to unlock maximum flavor with the needed potency that tends to work when absorbed, before being taking in.

Now its worth considering that “small is more” ( not at it very extreme side but..) so as a good rule to remember it might work out better, It shouldn’t be ingested all at once and its effectiveness may improve or be enhanced if done in short interval periods over a short period of time , with breaks and spacing in between every session, this often creates also that opportunity for an extra absorption effect that can’t be achieved when done all in same shot . It appears that with this strategy more compounds (such the already-mentioned crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal) can fully benefit at best of all they are reported to give in regards with anti nausea properties.
But of course, remember we are speaking in personal general terms, each body is different and reaction can be unique . Also consider when your “body and emotional status” on day when you consider your first tests. As with anything new it all requires proper adjustments and modifications based on you “personal bio-experience”. Always pay attention to how your own body behaves , be careful not be influenced too much of “personal assumptions” ( mine, other blogs, books and so on..)
The first days or tries tend to provide that information very needed and vital for adapting it based on your unique specific situation. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of a solution, in fact , most ” natural remedies ” in general tend to not be like that in my personal experience…

10. Precautions, Safety Concerns & Saffron Interactions

And we come now to “The Reality check moment”. Before running out to use any Saffron in everything, remember what’s “too much”. Its is an extremely expensive product , one needs to remember that “using much” isn’t equals to having enhanced effect. Its also crucial to understand all those limitations we might have and precautions to prevent any side effects.
As with everything, there’s always a safety element that shouldn’t be forgotten even for products that has been used over and over again in different tradition for countless years .
While saffron is typically considered safe in small to moderate culinary use, consuming larger quantities can cause some health issues: One important “rule to live with ” as an old doctor in family taught me , is ” too much of everything isn’t a good thing ” and here’s no exception. Very high dosages should be avoided ( this tend to be higher dosages when considered like medicine form).

Few small side effects can range from headaches, and slight “sleepy sensations” ( those aren’t necessarily that “bad” and usually fade quickly with break of the session ). In very rare instances cases with extreme ingestion and prolonged and uncontrolled period of use , cases have reported also severe allergies .
For pregnant women like my wife, before doing anything with saffron consults your doctor, because saffron effects still need to have more clinical test, specifically its effect with higher doses with pregnancy conditions . Though in traditional cultures, saffron has been widely used, it needs to be a consultation first as every person might be different, no exceptions here . And of course always keep it away from children at reach , keep in high altitude closed space to be better.

The most problematic are saffron interactions with drugs. There has not been to much studies with Saffron and general common medications so we simply have a large information gap, for now ( hopefully to change over time…) it is strongly suggested to avoid using it before a proper conversation and “second opinion”. Also if someone uses blood pressure, depression related medications, sleeping pills and anti-biotics you must pay much care and never mix saffron to medications . Remember our bodies have their internal rhythms and changes. Any “add-on external factor” might trigger “an unforeseen interaction.”
Always play on safer-side always and for most, your medical specialist opinion is absolutely required before going with this specific path.. .

11. Where To Buy Quality Saffron For Optimal Results

Now if I got you into saffron experimentation I am obliged to advise how and where to get it for better experience: not all saffron strands are created equal . Because Saffron production is often labor-intensive and due to it demanding cultivation process this result to a very high price-point (and also its scarcity..) . Its almost always a reason for market adulteration ( low cost substitutions of look a like “saffron threads”), also a strong reason that those tiny red strand become targets for dishonest “business practice”. Buying high quality products become essential not only to actually get what one intended to get but also to really receive its proper impact of health . This has implications to quality , color properties, aromas (the well recognized and wanted strong pleasant one ),taste and effectiveness ( or better the intended results). It goes without saying its an area where “cheap doesn’t mean the best here. Usually more expensive tend to correlate with more reliable resources . This isn’t to be “obsessive ” by being cheap and looking “that amazing deal”, but also you might want not to buy a ridiculously over price either, common sense is the best way forward.

Some of the crucial quality points here includes color which must always be “deep rich vibrant red”, and also aroma should be also strong, fresh-like, and not at all musty , flavor of quality saffron should always have some bitterness to it , even a bit on a metallic touch on the tongue but never tasteless. All this needs to be present in some sort of harmonic approach . But a quick check list is always good to look into when purchasing them online and personally :

Source of origin: High quality comes directly from areas known to actually produce best quality, mainly the original Iranian saffron (known in Iran by “Zaffaran”) followed by Spain ( or La Mancha Saffron ) Kashmir, Greece are good sources for best results.

Grades or levels: If possible chose those who’s labeled as “Super-Negin” as the top one on scale then “Negin” second best (the red stigmas that fully cut), followed by “Sargol” which is considered also high but only stigmas are picked. Avoid “Pushal” types for most of what is intended for therapeutic use. Those low grade tend to contain much higher proportions of non red portions. The different variations tend to give you clear indicator when it comes with cost vs quality when comparing.

Type: always pick saffron that’s completely threads or in whole-form. Not only its far superior in flavor but easier for personal inspection , avoid those which already comes in powder form since its a method prone to fraudulence or hidden substitution’s in the blends. Also buying strands makes it easier to avoid any additions in processing that also effects negatively when they touch water in warm / hot tea as we intend.
Also, remember for better product care, saffron needs to kept dry, away from any sun light and moisture. Keeping all that will help with preservation when we talking “storage”. It shouldn’t come prepacked and keep at a cool temperature is the best approach for best preserving.
Choose also local brands whenever possible ( since local ones can reduce travel “carbon imprint”) but that of course should not be an impediment when considering high quality and price balance. Usually a “best brand” should always respect that specific guideline or “rule”.

12. My Personal Takeaway & Concluding thoughts

So, what to conclude from all this Saffron adventure of mine ? First of all, Saffron, I will concede now ( I hate to concede…), seems more than some fancy kitchen spice after all . For both motion and morning queasiness and after experimenting both with home sessions I do see a promising direction in future as well, so for the time being at least this little home-research has created that very interesting possibility . The science might still need a deeper probe, in the future as clinical test need to provide proper support for it potential as “ natural treatment for nausea” and ” queasiness situations”.

At this phase for both me and my family it’s an extra method that improved in a personal basis, I truly believe ( in all seriousness here… ). When considered all together is “ an easy, all natural” option to integrate in our daily routines and it feels me at best knowing that the risks associated for usage are very minimal. I personally am surprised by the “little golden threads power”. While the “full proof solution isn’t still fully confirmed , as we need much bigger test groups of scientific experiment , personally I can confirm ( and its my story after all ) that it does reduce intensity and uncomfortable sensations. For those in very particular need that simple “reduction” make all the difference , trust me I’m not the “believer of anything, just because”. I still skeptical in general but Saffron showed me I was “skeptical-of-nothing-and-I’m-open-minded”. Maybe it isn’t the end of motion and morning- sickness completely… for many still … but that pinch of “red-gold” has become now something with different “colors” for me . It gives indeed the sense of something important might be under this small herbal element after all. And after that my skepticism slowly goes out from me step by step . What’s my next personal adventure in the realm of traditional herbalism?…lets just wait to see… .

Questions to consider for later?
So before we go here some other points I started wondering at some point , that I need also to explore much deeper with time :

Let me know what do you think! Always willing to hear other experiences from people that experienced with saffron! Share the love!